Going to the grocery store on an empty stomach… it's the worst thing we can do. Staying on track with all those temptations is hard.
Sixty percent of the calories Americans put into their shopping carts come from highly processed foods. Researchers analyzed one year's worth of purchased groceries from more than one hundred and fifty thousand households over twelve years. Processed items like white bread, prepared meals, cookies, sodas, chips and candy were high on the list. Study authors say the high combination of sugar, fat, salt and added flavoring contribute to overeating and obesity. And eating just one serving of leafy greens a day may keep dementia away. After studying the diets of one thousand adults for five years, researchers found those that ate one to two servings of leafy greens like kale, spinach and collard greens experienced slower mental deterioration than those that ate no leafy greens. The brain may benefit from the key nutrients inside these leafy greens like vitamin K.