Zero calorie beverages filled with artificial sweeteners may be too good to be true.
New research published in this months issue of Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism finds that diet sodas may be just as bad as regular sodas.
The report found diet soda drinkers weighed more than those that did not drink soda at all.
The artificial sweeteners and diet sodas fill the body’s craving for a sweet taste without the calories.
But leaves the body craving more later, throwing off the bodys metabolism and ultimately changing the way the body processes real sugar.
The study found even diet soda drinkers that maintained a healthy weight were still at a higher risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke—the top three killers in the United States.
Five artificial sweeteners are currently FDA approved—and are found in brands like Splenda, Equal and Sweet N Low.
More research is needed but for now experts advise everyone to limit the fake sweet stuff in their daily diets.
Lyssa Hansen, Health Matters